preserve filename parts in rename
Status quo:
Search of files is often confused by technical information which is part of the source filename, e.g. format, quality, recording date, tv station etc., especially when only the episode name is available but no episode number.
Example source file:
Arrow (2012)\Season 02\Arrow - Auferstanden (2021-03-04 22-00.ZDF.576).mp4
So the usual possible way to deal with this is, to remove these parts using a special regexp in filename processor and then rely on the episode-name-based renaming.
Season (?<s>[0-9]+)\\.*(?<y>\(.*\))
Effect is a clean rename in most cases - but as well loss of information.
Enhancement proposal:
In addition to "s" and "e" allow some user specific regexp groups in filename processor,
like e.g.
and add the option to refer to these group identifiest in the naming templates, e.g. like
Option: It might be helpful to add an <n> for the explicit reference to {EpisodeName} as well.